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Enterprise AI

Transform Your Photos Instantly! Google Whisk is Now Available in 100+ Countries!

The tech giant's AI image-blending tool, Google Whisk has entered the global market, reportedly in over 100 countries.

AI Tools

AI on the Horizon: Reddit's Bold Move to Transform Your Search Journey!

Reddit is moving to enhance its features with AI designed to optimize users' search experiences.

Market News

No Need to Panic: OpenAI's New Chips Aren’t Touching Nvidia’s Market Crown!

The news of OpenAI's self-developed AI chips has attracted market attention, hinting at threats to Nvidia's stock price.

AI Ethics

Ex-Google CEO Warns of 'Extreme Risk' of AI Being Used by Terrorists

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt cautions that terrorists and rogue states could misuse AI to create biological weapons, calling for government oversight and highlighting the need to balance innovation wit

Market News

Alibaba Emerges as China's AI Powerhouse with $87 Billion Market Surge

Alibaba's market value jumps $87 billion as AI advancements and a partnership with Apple position it as China's top tech stock, overcoming past regulatory challenges and slow cloud growth.

Market News

Cisco's Shares Surge on AI Gear Demand Amid Tariff Concerns

Cisco Systems sees shares rise as demand for its cloud networking gear increases due to AI, offsetting concerns about potential impacts from U.S. tariffs.


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